wabi sabi interior design

Wabi sabi interior design: Nature as inspiration


One of the decorative trends of 2018 is the Wabi Sabi. Close to Zen philosophy, it is inspired by nature to find beauty in the simple and imperfect. If you have not heard about it,

white and yellow decor

Ideas to decorate in white and yellow


Luminosity, joy and serenity. These are three qualities that you will be able to contribute to your home if you decide to decorate it by combining white with yellow. These are tones that work very


Fengshui: Four basic rules for decorating spaces


Fengshui is a Chinese ancient art through which it seeks to achieve maximum energy and health, improve human relations and maintain spiritual wealth. In our homes we can enhance the positive energy taking into account

nordic decoration

Elegant Swedish room decoration on white


The trends in home decor are changing over the years; however, the white never goes out of style. The white decoration for the home has been used for a long time and continues to functions