choosing garden furniture

Tips when choosing garden furniture


To make the most of our patio or garden in summer, it is very important to choose the right furniture. The size, the materials or the style, are characteristics that we should not leave aside

light color sofa

The best sofas for small spaces


Is it possible to decorate mini apartments and flats without giving up style and comfort? Yes you can. Here we mention some secrets that can help you when choosing main furniture and with great protagonism,

rectangular table

Your dining table: Rectangular or round?


Dining tables are daily protagonists of important family moments, such as meals or meetings; however, at the time of choosing it is not clear what the ideal table for your space is. Beyond if you

buying a sofa

Mistakes to Avoid When Buying a Sofa


Buying a sofa is an important decision that we should not take lightly, thinks that we have plenty of life in it, we use it to read, watch TV, sleep, look at the ceiling, lazing

vintage touch

What furniture is best for vintage decor?


There are more people who are committed to give a vintage touch to each of the rooms of their home. The old is fashionable. And now it is possible that your living room, bedroom, hall

built-in wardrobes

Why choose built-in wardrobes?


When we live in a house and started thinking about the room layout and design, one of the first things that we can ask is: do we bet on wardrobes or by the cabinets of