paint a swimming pool

How to paint a swimming pool


With the arrival of heat and good temperatures it is time to tune your pool. If the paint in your pool is peeling, this year you will have to consider emptying it, repairing any damage

decorating in green

Advantages of decorating in green


Did you know that green is the fashionable color of this year? We do not say it, but Pantone, who chose Greenery as the color of 2017. But do not think that this is the

decorate with color

5 rules to follow to decorate with color


Sometimes, to achieve a great change in the decoration of our houses, with a touch of color it will be sufficient. But this attempt could be disastrous if we do not know how to do

colors for house fronts

The best colors for house fronts


The houses, not only need to be well decorated and painted on the inside, since the letter of presentation primary are undoubtedly the outside of the same, so we must think which is the color